To prevent any further disappearances on my part, I am issuing a contract with myself. I must prove somehow that I am still actively online within 7 days or post some form of art/comic/animation within 10 days. If I fail to do so, then I will delete my account on the 8th/11th day. I am not able to make any extra accounts to continue posting. Exceptions being if I am unable to uphold said contract due to external reasons. Incidentally, I am currently unable to post much of anything due to external reasons until July 23rd at the earliest, & so this contract will only take effect starting on July 23rd. Hopefully I will not have to delete this account, but based on my previous behaviors it's likely that even this post could be the last you see of me. However, I am sure that this won't ever come to fruition. See you in three-four days.